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Affiliate Terms and Conditions
Octaads Media

Please read these Affiliate Terms and Conditions carefully before using our service.

These Affiliate Terms and Conditions of Use (T&Cs)apply when you visit the website at  (“”,”us”, “we”) .

Your access to and use of the website is subject to these T&Cs. If you disagree with any part of these T&Cs, you must cease using the website or any services immediately. By accessing or using the website, you acknowledge and agree to be bound by these T&Cs. If you are under 18 years of age, then you must obtain your parent or guardian’s consent before accessing and using the website.

“AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” Disclaimer

The information contained on the Website is provided in good faith on an “as is” basis. does not represent or warrant the reliability, accuracy or completeness of the information contained on the Website. To the extent permitted by law, is not responsible or liable for any Liabilities arising in any way for errors in, or omissions from, the information on the Website.


These are the Terms of Use governing the use of this service and the agreement that operates between brands, publishers, and These Affiliate Terms and Conditions set out the rights and obligations of all users regarding the use of the Service.

Your access to and use of the Service is conditioned on Your acceptance of and compliance with these Terms and Conditions. These Terms and Conditions apply to all visitors, users and others who access or use the Service.

By accessing or using the Service, you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. If you disagree with any part of these Terms and Conditions, then you may not access the Service.

You represent that you are over the age of 18. The Company does not permit those under 18 to use the Service.

Your access to and use of the Service is also conditioned on your acceptance of and compliance with the Privacy Policy of the Company. Our Privacy Policy describes Our policies and procedures on the collection, use and disclosure of Your personal information when You use the Application or the Website and tells You about Your privacy rights and how the law protects You. Please read Our Privacy Policy carefully before using Our Service.

Registration Data and Account Security

In consideration of your use of the Site, you agree to (a) provide accurate, current and complete information about you as may be prompted by any registration forms on the Site (“Registration Data”); (b) maintain the security of your password and identification; (c) maintain and promptly update the Registration Data, and any other information you provide to, to keep it accurate, current and complete; and (d) be fully responsible for all use of your account and for any actions that take place using your account.

Provision and Use

Subject to the Brand compliance of SET-UP policy, the Company will provide to the Brands: the Services; access to the Interface; and updates to the Tracking Code it makes generally available. During the Term, the Brand will:

  • promptly select and approve Brand to act as Participating Brand.
  • maintain the proper integration of the Tracking Code into the Brand URLs, including any updates, in accordance with the Company’s Tracking Policy.
  • use all reasonable efforts to inform the Company, in advance where possible, of any circumstances likely to prevent the Tracking Code accurately recording Actions.
  • provide the Company any information, assistance or access reasonably requested to enable the supply of the Services.
  • ensure any information it provides to the Company is accurate and up to date.
  • notify the Company of any actual (and to the extent possible, anticipated) downtime of any of the Brand URLs.
  • provide the Company the Brand materials.
  • ensure any Brand Materials shall be legally compliant in every respect associated with the advertisement, age group, and industry, including but not limited to being truthful, non-deceptive, and substantiated. If the Brand provides marketing guidelines to the Company, the Company may approve on behalf of the Brand advertising content prepared by a Participating publisher in accordance with those guidelines, provided that the Company shall assume no liability for material reasonably approved in compliance with those guidelines. promptly select and approve Brand to act as Participating Brand.

Managing Account and Uploading Content‍

You understand that except for as expressly provided in your service agreement with us, the Service and Site may not be used by you for commercial purposes. You represent, warrant, and agree that no materials of any kind submitted through your account or otherwise posted, transmitted, or shared by you on or through the Service will violate or infringe upon the rights of any third party, including copyright, trademark, privacy, publicity or other personal or proprietary rights; or contain libelous, defamatory or otherwise unlawful material.

In addition, you agree not to use the Service or Site to:

  • harvest or collect email addresses or other contact information of other users from the Service or Site by electronic or other means for the purposes of sending unsolicited emails or other unsolicited communications.
  • use the Service or Site in any unlawful manner or in any other manner that could damage, disable, overburden or impair the Site.
  • use automated scripts to collect information from or otherwise interact with the Service or Site.
  • upload, post, transmit, share, store or otherwise make available any content that we deem to be harmful, threatening, unlawful, defamatory, infringing, abusive, inflammatory, harassing, vulgar, obscene, fraudulent, invasive of privacy or publicity rights, hateful, or racially, ethnically, or otherwise objectionable.
  • upload, post, transmit, share, store or otherwise make available any videos other than those they are to be used expressly pursuant to and compliant with your service agreement with us.
  • register for a user account on behalf of an individual other than yourself, or register any group or entity unless you are expressly authorized to do so.
  • impersonate any person or entity, or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent yourself, your age or your affiliation with any person or entity.
  • upload, post, transmit, share or otherwise make available any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, solicitations, promotional materials, “junk mail,” “spam,” “chain letters,” “pyramid schemes,” or any other illegal or unethical form of solicitation.
  • solicit personal information from anyone under 18 or solicit passwords or personally identifying information for commercial or unlawful purposes.
  • upload, post, transmit, share or otherwise make available any material that contains software viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment.
  • intimidate or harass another.
  • upload, post, transmit, share, store or otherwise make available content that would constitute, encourage or provide instructions for a criminal offense, violate the rights of any party, or that would otherwise create liability or violate any local, state, national or international law.
  • use or attempt to use another’s account, service or system without authorization from, or create a false identity on the Service or Site. Upload, post, transmit, share, store or otherwise make available content that, in the sole judgment of, is objectionable or which restricts or inhibits any other person from using or enjoying the Site, or which may expose or its users to any harm or liability of any type.

Without limiting any of the foregoing, you also agree to abide by our Code of Conduct that provides further information regarding the authorized conduct of users on the Site.

You are solely responsible for the profiles, messages, notes, text, information, advertisements, listings, and other content that you upload, publish or display (hereinafter, “post”) on or through the services or the Site, or transmit to or share with other Members (collectively the “Member Content”). You may not post, transmit, or share Member Content on the Site or Service that you did not create or that you do not have permission to post. You understand and agree that may, but is not obligated to, review the Site and may delete or remove (without notice) any Site Content or Member Content in its sole discretion, for any reason or no reason, including Member Content that in the sole judgment of violates this Agreement or any other agreement that governs your use of the Service or Site, or which might be offensive, illegal, or that might violate the rights, harm, or threaten the safety of users or others. You are solely responsible at your sole cost and expense for creating backup copies and replacing any Member Content you post or store on the Site or provide to the

Services to be provided under Campaigns will be provided by the Company for the period, budget and other terms set out in writing, agreed by the Brand and Company from time to time. The Brand will provide the Company any Brand Materials relevant to the Program or Campaign as applicable.

The Company will: suggest appropriate Participating publishers; and on the Brand’s request: (a) prevent any publisher from acting as a Participating publisher; and (b) use reasonable efforts to procure Participating publisher remove Brand Materials or Links from publisher Websites.

The Brand will:

  • Permit publishers to market the Brands and its Products and inform Participating publishers of any: (a) information relevant to the promotion of the Brands or any Products; (b) Advertising Standards applicable to the promotion of the Products or the Brands; (c) Brands Materials which are directed to children; (d) terms and conditions, or other requirements, applied by the Brands to the promotion of the Brands or any Products from time to time.
  • Alert the Company in writing to any Brand Materials directed to children or related to a child-directed or mixed-use application or website as described in COPPA.
  • Inform the Company of any complaints made to the Brand in respect of any Participating publisher.
  • Comply with any Affiliate Terms and Conditions, other requirements, applied by a Participating publisher to its promotion of the Brand or any Products from time to time.

Any Affiliate Terms and Conditions, or other requirements, applied by the Brand to the promotion of the Brand or any Products shall be subject to the terms of this Agreement.

The Brand may not reject publishers which are permitted to promote the Brand on other publisher marketing networks in the Country, or as part of an in-house or personal publisher marketing campaign or program.

The Brand may delegate the day-to-day operation of Campaigns and Programs to a third party on written notice to the Company, provided that the Brand shall remain primarily liable for the acts or omissions of that third party.

Sales, Tracking, and Claimed Cases

Whenever services are available for purchase from, the services shall include specific terms, conditions, and policies applicable to your purchase of services from (“Terms of Sale”). By ordering services from through the Site, you agree to be bound by and accept the applicable Terms of Sale. The Terms of Sale are subject to change without prior notice at any time, in sole discretion so you should review the Terms of Sale each time you make a purchase.

You are solely responsible for your interactions with other Members. We reserve the right, but have no obligation, to monitor disputes between you and other Members.

The Tracking Code and Tracking Policy will be the sole basis for recording and determining Actions and Commissions.

Each Transaction and Lead will be deemed to have been approved by the Brand at the end of the respective pending sales period (“Pending Sales Period”), unless declined in accordance with The Pending Sales Period Policy below.

The Pending Sales Period is by default set to zero and may be adjusted by the Brand on prior written notice to the Company. Where applicable, the Brand shall use all reasonable efforts to review Transactions and Leads within the Pending Sales Period. Within the Pending Sales Period, the Brand may only decline:
1.a percentage of the purchase price of the Product(s) subject of the Approved Transaction, as set out on the Interface.
2.or a fixed amount, irrespective of the purchase price of the Product(s) subject of the standard terms of Approved Transaction, as set out on the Interface.

The Brand agrees and acknowledges that it has no right whatsoever to recover from the Company or any Participating publisher any Fees or Commissions paid to the Company in respect of Approved Transactions or Approved Leads (including those deemed approved, or any Clicks or Ad Impressions. The Brand hereby waives and releases the Company and any Participating publisher from any claims the Brand may have for recovery of paid Fees or Commissions.

The amount of any Commissions are as displayed on the Interface. CPA Commissions in respect of Approved Transactions will be determined as either:
Transactions which the Brand can evidence to the Company’s reasonable satisfaction were cancelled in accordance with applicable statutory consumer rights of cancellation or terms of business.
Transactions and leads which the Brand can evidence to the Company’s reasonable satisfaction were: (a) generated in breach of any terms and conditions, or other requirements, applied by the Brand to the promotion of the Brand or any Products; or (b) the result of a fraud committed by a Participating publisher.

The Brand may commit to pay additional Commissions, on terms set out on the Interface. The Brand may commit to pay Bonuses, at terms set out on the Interface. The Company will remit the applicable payment to the respective Participating publisher to whom the Approved Transaction, Approved Lead, Click or Ad Impression is attributed, or to whom the Bonus is due. This payment may be subject to the prior payment of Commission from the Brands. The Brand may vary the Commission on a go-forward basis by using the Interface or by written request to the Company personnel. Commissions and Bonuses applicable to past Actions or other historic marketing activity may not be varied. The Brand will be bound to pay the Commission as varied, regardless of whether such variations were made by the Brand or on its behalf, for any all Actions made after the time of variation. Any variations to the Commission are made by operation of this Agreement and do not constitute any amendment to this Agreement or the entry of any additional agreement.

The Commission may not be less than the equivalent commission offered by the Brand on other publisher marketing networks in the Country, or in-house or personal publisher marketing programs. Any measures to prevent or reduce the amount of any Commission, Network Fee or Bonus incurred or payable in respect of an Action, which are implemented on the basis that the Visitor subject of the Action also visited the Brand URL through non-Network sales channels or sources of web traffic, are referred to as “Deduplication”. The basis for Deduplication shall be provided to the Company in reasonable time in advance of their implementation.

Brands may change the amount of Commission offered on notice to publishers. Deduplication is subject to any conflicting provisions in this Agreement and the Tracking Policy. Deduplication may not be implemented on the basis that, within the Tracking Period, the Visitor subject of the Action also visited the Brand URL: 1)by typing the Brand URL into a web browser; 2) by following links appearing in (a) organic search results; (b) paid-for results of searches on the Brand’s brand names; (c) organic social media; (d) price comparison websites; 3) as a result of internal email marketing or newsletters; 4) as a result of the retargeting of that Visitor: (a) by email; (b) by telephone; (c) by interstitial or pop-up; or (d) while at the Brand URL, as a result that Visitor’s behavior. is not liable for any conflict between brands and publishers, including deduplication and bonus payment.

For Claimed Cases, the Brand shall use all reasonable efforts to approve Claimed Actions within the Pending Sales Period for Claimed Actions.

The Brand must approve Claimed Actions in good faith and: 1) having regard to any information provided by a Participating publisher to demonstrate the Claimed Actions ought to have been approved by the Brand under Tracking Policy; and 2) in a manner consistent with its historic approach to the approval or decline of Transactions, Leads or Claimed Actions of that type, unless reasonable advance notice is given to Participating publishers.

The Brand may only decline: 1) Claimed Transactions which the Brand can evidence to the Company’s reasonable satisfaction were cancelled in accordance with applicable statutory consumer rights of cancellation or terms of business; or 2) Claimed Actions which the Brand can evidence to the Company’s reasonable satisfaction were: (a) generated in breach of any terms and conditions, or other requirements, applied by the Brand to the promotion of the Brand or any Products; or (b) the result of a fraud committed by a Participating publisher.

Claimed Actions will be deemed to have been approved by the Brand at the end of the respective Validation Period for Claimed Actions, unless declined in accordance with this clause.

Intellectual Property, Confidentiality, and Data Protection

The Brand hereby grants to the Company anon-exclusive, transferable, royalty-free, worldwide license to publish the Brand Materials on the Interface and to use the Brand Materials to: 1) operate the Network; 2) enable Participating publishers to market the Brand and its Products; 3) market its business, with the Brand’s prior consent; 4) otherwise carry on its website traffic, consumer behavior tracking and transaction reporting business from time to time.

The Company may grant sub licenses of the license to Participating publishers to the extent necessary to enable Participating publishers to market the Brand and its Products on the Network. A sublicense granted to a publisher Network under this policy shall be further sub-licensable by the Participating publisher to Sub-publishers on terms equivalent to this policy. A sublicense granted by a publisher Network under this policy shall not be capable of further sublicense by the Sub-publisher without the Brand’s prior written consent.

The Company hereby grants to the Brand a non-exclusive, non-sub licensable, non-transferable, royalty free worldwide license to:1) use the Tracking Code on the Brand  URLs; and 2) use the Interface; to the extent necessary for the Brand to participate in the Network and perform its obligations under this Agreement.

The Brand will not, and will not attempt to change, reverse engineer or create derivative works of the Interface or the Tracking Code. Each party reserves all of its right, title and interest to any of its Intellectual Property Rights licensed under this policy, or which it creates under this Agreement.

The Brand will indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Company and any of its Group Companies (including their directors, employees, agents or contractors), from and against any claims, costs, damages, losses, liabilities and expenses (including legal fees) relating to any claims, actions, suits or proceedings by third parties against the Company arising out of or related in any way to the Company’s, or any Participating publisher’s , use of the Brand Materials in accordance with this Agreement.

For Confidentiality, each party will only use Confidential Information to enjoy its rights or comply with its obligations under this Agreement. Save as set out in this Agreement, neither party will disclose any Confidential Information. Confidential Information shall be kept confidential .The obligations of confidentiality in this Agreement will not apply to Confidential Information to the extent it: 1) is in the public domain (other than as a result of a breach of this Agreement; 2) can be demonstrated as having been independently developed by the receiving party; 3) is published on the Interface in the receipt or provision of the Services in accordance with this Agreement; 4) is required to be disclosed by law or a court order. The Company may disclose Confidential Information to Group Companies.

For Data Protection, the Company and the Brand will comply with all respective legal obligations under Data Regulation. Each party will provide the other party any co-operation reasonably requested to enable the other party’s compliance with this policy. The Company and the Brand will each comply with any data processing agreement or arrangement entered by them in connection with Personal Data published under this Agreement. The Brand shall not use any reports generated by use of the Interface to create Visitor profiles, as defined under GDPR where applicable. The Brand will not do or omit to do any act which may cause the Company to be in breach of any of its obligations under the Data Regulations. The Brand will, on behalf of the Company to comply with The Privacy, obtain the prior, freely-given , specific, informed, unambiguous and revocable consent of Visitors and other users of Brand URLs to cookies or other tracking technologies of the Company served under this Agreement.

Invoice and Payment

The amount of the Network Fee is as set out in the Interface. Network Fees are payable in addition to Commissions or Bonuses on which they are based.

The Brand will pay the Company, without deduction or set-off:
1. the Set-Up Fee and the Monthly Minimum Maintenance Fee.
2. the Network Fees and Commissions in respect of each Approved Transaction, Approved Lead, Clicks or one thousand Ad Impressions.
3. the Bonuses due.
4. the Reintegration Fee in respect of each.

During any period of Brand Downtime, the Network Fees, Bonuses and Commission will be determined by the Company, having regard to the average value of Fees and Commission payable by the Brand (including, where applicable the average value of Fees and Commission payable by the Brand during equivalent periods in previous years).

For Pre-payment Amount, on the Effective Date the Company will request payment from the Brand of the Pre-payment Amount and the Set-Up Fee in advance, which shall be paid by the Brand immediately (unless agreed otherwise). TheBrand will pay the Set-Up Fee and the initial Pre-payment Amount upon registration to the Network using the methods specified on the Interface.

The Brand will be required to replenish the Prepayment Amount periodically when the remaining amount is not enough to pay. In settlement of the Minimum Maintenance Fee, the Company will deduct the Minimum Maintenance Fee from the Pre-payment Amount on a monthly basis, as well as the Network Fee generated by the Brand in the previous calendar month.

In settlement of the Network Fees and Commissions, the Company will deduct from the Pre-payment Amount the Network Fees and Commissions in respect of: 1) Transactions and Leads, on their approval (or deemed approval) in accordance with clause 5; and 2) Clicks or one thousand Ad Impressions, immediately. On the agreement of the Bonus, the Company will deduct the Bonus from the Pre-payment Amount in settlement of the Bonus; 3)No interest is payable in respect of the Pre-payment Amount held by the Company; The Pre-payment Amount may be varied by written agreement.

Without prejudice to the Company’s other rights or remedies, if theBrand fails to make any payment when due under this Agreement or any Additional Country Agreement:
1. any discounts applied will be lost and all Fees will revert to the standard rates.
2. the Company may charge, from the due date for payment until payment is made (whether before or after any judgment), and Brandshall pay immediately on demand: (i) interest on such sums from the due date for payment at the rate of 1.5% per month or that allowed by law, whichever is higher, accruing on a daily basis and being compounded quarterly until payment is made, and; and (ii) the costs of recovering such unpaid amounts.
3. and/or the Company may suspend all Services and licenses, or terminate this Agreement, with immediate effect, until payment is made in full.

All sums payable under this Agreement are exclusive of local, state, federal and international sales, value-added, withholding, and other taxes, and duties of any kind that are or may become applicable as a result of the provision of the services by Company (“Taxes”). Brand shall be responsible for payment of all such Taxes, excluding any taxes or duties on Company’s net income, assets, or employees. Any Taxes will be charged to the Brand and remitted by the Company to the appropriate taxing authority. Without limiting the foregoing, Brand shall be responsible for all applicable sales taxes unless it first claims a sales tax exemption by providing Company with an exemption certification acceptable to the appropriate authorities.

All Taxes collected from Brand by Company and remitted to the appropriate authorities are nonrefundable by Company. Brand will need to claim any applicable tax refunds directly through the appropriate authorities. If payments under this Agreement are subject to withholding tax, the Brand is entitled to deduct the appropriate amount from payments to the Company, provided that Brand keeps written records of all such deductions as well as associated payments and such records are immediately accessible to Company. The parties agree to work together on reducing or avoiding any withholding tax, and, upon request, shall provide documents required for any reduction, exemption, reimbursement or deduction of withholding tax. All amounts payable shall be paid in the currency in which they are invoiced. Any costs of currency conversion or losses caused by exchange rate fluctuations shall be borne by the Brand.


Each party warrants and undertakes to the other for the Term that: 1) it has full power and authority to enter into this Agreement; 2) it holds all licenses and approvals necessary for the performance of its obligations under this Agreement; 3) it will perform its obligations under this Agreement in accordance with all applicable laws and using reasonable skill and care; and 4) it will not make any false, misleading or disparaging representations or statements regarding the other party.

The publisher warrants and undertakes to for the Term that: 1) neither the publisher, nor any of its officers or shareholders, have previously been party to an agreement terminated by ; 2) no officer or shareholder of the publisher has been an officer or shareholder of a company (or other entity) party to an agreement terminated by; 3) all information about the publisher set out in the Application Form or on the Interface is complete, true, accurate, not misleading and will be kept up to date (including, but not limited to address details, payment details and tax information); 4) its marketing of any Brand or its Products will comply with all Advertising Standards and Data Regulation; 5) the publisher Service will be operated in accordance with all applicable laws (including Advertising Standards and Data Regulation); 6) it shall comply with the Code of Conduct at all times; 7) it shall comply with all relevant tax laws; 8) it shall retain ultimate control of the operation of the publisher Service; 9) it is the owner or valid licensee of any Intellectual Property Rights appearing on the publisher Service, and that no part of the publisher Service infringes the rights of any third party; and 10) all limited Materials will be accurately and faithfully reproduced.

The publisher will indemnify, defend and hold harmless its directors, employees, agents or contractors), from and against any claims, costs, damages, losses, liabilities and expenses (including legal fees) relating to any claims, actions, suits or proceedings by third parties against arising out of or related in any way to any breach by the publisher of any of the warranties at this section of policy, or publisher’s gross negligence or willful misconduct.

The limited warrants and undertakes to the Company for the Term that: 1) all limited Materials comply with all Advertising Standards; and 2) all variations to Commissions will be made by authorized personnel.

Relationship Between Each Other The Merchant will not, directly or indirectly, enter or attempt to enter into any agreement, understanding or other form of arrangement (whether express or implied) with any current or former Participating publishers: 1) where payments are made to current or former Participating publishers in respect of any marketing services (including publisher, display, programmatic, search, email and click-to-call marketing) other than under this Agreement; or 2) which prevents or disincentivizes current or former Participating publishers from promoting other brands.

The Merchant will pay the Company on demand by way of liquidated damages an amount equal to 30%of all Commissions, Fees or any other amounts paid or due to be paid, directly or indirectly, to current or former Participating publishers in breach of the restrictions in this policy. The parties acknowledge that the liquidated damages represent a genuine pre-estimation of the loss that would be suffered by the Company as a result of any breach of the restrictions in the policy and that such liquidated publishers are not a penalty. This policy applies to current and former Participating publishers, irrespective of any existing relationships between the Brands and such publishers.

Links to Other Websites

Our Service may contain links to third-party web sites or services that are not owned or controlled by the Company.

The Company has no control over, and assumes no responsibility for, the content, privacy policies, or practices of any third party websites or services. You further acknowledge and agree that the Company shall not be responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with the use of or reliance on any such content, goods or services available on or through any such web sites or services.

We strongly advise You to read the terms and conditions and privacy policies of any third-party web sites or services that You visit.

Warranties and Indemnity

Each party warrants and undertakes to the other for the Term that: 1) it has full power and authority to enter into this Agreement; 2) it holds all licenses and approvals necessary for the performance of its obligations under this Agreement; 3) it will perform its obligations under this Agreement in accordance with all applicable laws and using reasonable skill and care; and 4) it will not make any false, misleading or disparaging representations or statements regarding the other party.

The Brand warrants and undertakes to the Company for the Term that: 1) all Brand Materials comply with all Advertising Standards; and 2) all variations to Commissions under the policy will be made by authorized personnel.

Termination, Suspension, and Consequences under These Situation

This Agreement will start on the Effective Date and continue for the Initial Term. After the Initial Term, this Agreement will automatically renew for successive Renewal Terms.

The Company may terminate this Agreement immediately on written notice to the Brand if the Brand fails: 1) to comply with its obligations of this Agreement or the equivalent clauses of any Additional Country Agreement; 2) to provide assistance reasonably requested by the Company; or 3) through no fault of the Company, to commence bona fide participation in the Network within 90 days of the Effective Date.

The Company may suspend this Agreement for the period of the Brand’s non-compliance with specific clauses of this Agreement or the equivalent clauses of any Additional Country Agreement.

Either party may terminate this Agreement on at least three months’ written notice to the other party, such notice to take effect at the end of the Initial Term or any the Renewal Term then in effect. The notice period shall be extended to the minimum extent necessary to enable the completion of any ongoing Campaigns.

Without prejudice to its other rights or remedies, a party may terminate the Agreement immediately on written notice to the other party, if: 1) the other party materially breaches this Agreement and (if remediable) fails to remedy that breach within 14 days of a written request to do so; 2)the other party materially breaches any data processing agreement or arrangement entered into in connection with Personal Data published under this Agreement. 3) the other party is deemed unable to pay its debts; steps are made to wind up, or appoint an administrator over, the other party; a third party becomes entitled to appoint a receiver over the assets of the other party; the other party negotiates with all or a class of its creditors, or proposes or enters a compromise with such creditors; or any similar or analogous event occurs.

Without prejudice to its other rights or remedies, the Company may terminate the Agreement immediately to the Brand if an Brand Group Company materially breaches an Additional Country Agreement and (if remediable) fails to remedy that breach within 14 days of a written request to do so.

Termination of this Agreement will not affect any existing rights or remedies. On termination of the Agreement:1) all licenses will terminate; 2) where the remaining Pre-payment Amount is sufficient to cover all outstanding payments owed by Brand, the Company will settle all outstanding payments by deducting from the Prepayment Amount and return the remainder of the Pre-payment Amount to the Brand; 3) each party will return or at the other party’s option destroy all Confidential Information in its possession within five Business Days; and 4) theBrand will immediately pay all outstanding Fees and Commissions due to the Company.

Where any payment is made to the Brand pursuant to and that payment is returned to the Company and remains unclaimed or uncashed (e.g. in the case of payment by check) after a period of 365 days, the Brand will irrevocably forfeit its right to the payment in question.

Limitation of Liability

This policy sets out the entire liability of the Company and its Group Companies under or in connection with the Agreement.

Neither the Company nor any of its Group Companies will be liable for any losses of the Brand if the Company’s compliance with the Agreement is prevented by the acts or omissions of the Brand.

Neither the Company nor any of its Group Companies will be liable to the Brand for: losses of profits, business, goodwill, anticipated savings, goods, contract, use or data; losses arising from the acts or omissions of a publisher ; or for any special, indirect, consequential or pure economic loss, costs, damages, charges or expenses.

The total liability of the Company and its Group Companies in contract, tort (including negligence or breach of statutory duty), misrepresentation, restitution or otherwise arising in connection with the Agreement will be limited to the amount of Network Fee actually received by the Company from the Brandin the 12 month period preceding the date on which the claim arose.

Except as expressly stated otherwise in this Agreement, all warranties, conditions and other terms implied by statute or common law are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.

The Network, the Interface, the Tracking Code, the Services, their use and the results of such use are provided “as is” to the fullest extent permitted by law. The Company disclaims all express or implied warranties, including warranties of satisfactory quality and fitness for a particular purpose, which may be implied in respect of the Network, the Interface, the Tracking Code, the Services, their use and the results of such use. The performance of the Network and the Interface relies on third parties beyond the Company’s control. The Company specifically disclaims any warranty: 1) that the use or operation of the Network, the Interface or the Tracking Code will be uninterrupted or error-free; 2) that defects will be corrected; 3) that the Network, the Interface or the Tracking Code are free of viruses or malicious code; 4) that any security methods employed will be sufficient; 5) in respect of any publisher or its technology; and 6) regarding correctness, accuracy, or reliability.

Nothing in this Agreement limits or excludes the liability of the Company or any of its Group Companies for death, personal injury, fraud, fraudulent misrepresentation or fraudulent misstatement.


When you use our Services, or send emails to us, you are communicating with us electronically. You agree that we may communicate with you electronically. Such electronic communications may consist of e-mail, notices posted on our Services, “push” mobile notification, and other communications. You agree that all agreements, notices, disclosures, and other communications we send to you electronically will satisfy any requirement that such communication be in writing and, to the extent intended, such communication will be an enforceable and binding term or amendment to this Agreement.

You agree to indemnify and hold, its parents, subsidiaries, publishers, officers and employees, harmless from any claim or demand (including, without limitation, from all damages, liabilities, settlements, costs and attorneys’ fees) made by any third party due to or arising out of your access to the Services, use of the Services, the violation of this Agreement by you, or the infringement by you, or any third party using your account, of any intellectual property or other right of any person or entity.

Governing Law

The laws of the Country, excluding its conflicts of law rules, shall govern this Terms and Your use of the Service. Your use of the Application may also be subject to other local, state, national, or international laws.

Disputes Resolution

If You have any concern or dispute about the Service, you agree to first try to resolve the dispute informally by contacting the Company.

United States Legal Compliance

You represent and warrant that (i) You are not located in a country that is subject to the United States government embargo, or that has been designated by the United States government as a “terrorist supporting” country, and (ii) You are not listed on any United States government list of prohibited or restricted parties.

Changes to These Affiliate Terms and Conditions

We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to modify or replace these Terms at any time. By continuing to access or use Our Service after those revisions become effective, you agree to be bound by the revised terms. If you do not agree to the new terms, in whole or in part, please stop using the website and the Service.

Interpretation and Definitions


The words of which the initial letter is capitalized have meanings defined under the following conditions. The following definitions shall have the same meaning regardless of whether they appear in singular or in plural.

General Definitions

For the purposes of these Terms and Conditions:
publisher means an entity that controls, is controlled by or is under common control with a party, where “control” means ownership of 50% or more of the shares, equity interest or other securities entitled to vote for election of directors or other managing authority.
Company (referred to as either “the Company”, “We”, “Us” or “Our” in this Agreement) refers to HANGHAI CHENGZHAO NETWORK Technology CO., LTD.
Device means any device that can access the Service such as a computer, a cellphone, or a digital tablet.
Service refers to the Website.
Fee means the Setup Fee, the Monthly Fee, the Network Fee as set out in the Interface , and if applicable, the Reintegration Fee
Terms and Conditions (also referred as “Terms”) mean these Affiliate Terms and Conditions that form the entire agreement between You and the Company regarding the use of the Service.
Third-party Social Media Service means any services or content (including data, information, products or services) provided by a third-party that may be displayed, included or made available by the Service.
Website refers to , accessible from
You means the individual accessing or using the Service, or the company, or other legal entity on behalf of which such individual is accessing or using the Service, as applicable.
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If you have any questions about these Terms and Conditions, you can contact us:
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