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Uncategorized January 12, 2024

How to write a blog post properly using Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Writen by octaadsmedia

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What exactly is Artificial Intelligence? And what is AI writing ?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science that simulates human intelligence. AI is implemented in machines to perform tasks that require human intelligence. Some of their primary functions include reasoning, learning, problem-solving. AI refers to computer systems capable of performing complex tasks that historically only a human could do, such as reasoning, making decisions, or solving problems. AI is the theory and development of computer systems capable of performing tasks that historically required human intelligence, such as recognizing speech, making decisions, and identifying patterns. AI is an umbrella term that encompasses a wide variety of technologies, including machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing (NLP).

Artificial Intelligence (AI) writing, on the other hand, refers to the use of AI to generate text. AI writing software are online tools that use artificial intelligence to generate text based on inputs from its users. Not only can they generate text, but you can also use them to catch grammatical errors and writing mistakes to help improve your writing. These AI writing tools use large language models (LLMs) as the backend. They can assist you by generating ideas, suggesting edits, and even writing entire paragraphs or chapters. However, all AI writing software needs human supervision to deliver the best results

What can AI accomplish?

What AI can do, in my opinion, mostly relies on your objectives. I’ve observed AI writing tools performing a variety of tasks, including but not restricted to:

composing preliminary blog post introductions and conclusions
Making a list of subjects for blog articles to write about Coming up with alternative headings and titles for blog entries
summarising a blog post, an article, or even just a portion of the content to make it easier to understand
creating product listings for online retailers
creating whole essays, poems, blog entries, articles, and even songs
assessing the tone of a passage of writing to see if it is humorous, serious, informal, or gloomy

Making landing pages for online platforms
Creating postings on social media to spread information, viewpoints, and ideas
coming up with concepts for podcast episodes, videos, and other kinds of content
Come up with concepts for content marketing.
Composing advertising copy
Respond to inquiries (but not always with factual information)
Reduce complex concepts to simpler ones or use SAT words to enhance general content (e.g., WordHero’s “Explain It To A Child” and “Explain It Like a Professor” services).

This, of course, only applies to the writing-related aspects of blogging. I’ve read a tonne of articles and tutorials explaining different ways to use AI tools for everything from making AI artwork to making YouTube videos that go well with blog entries.

I’ll try to maintain my attention on the topic of this essay, which is how to compose a blog post utilising artificial intelligence. So, is it feasible for a blogger or content producer to produce high-quality content using AI writing tools? Let’s start by examining the ethical issues.

Ethical considerations of writing blog posts with AI

In addition to the moral questions raised by the increased carbon emissions brought on by AI technology, some individuals consider utilising AI to compose blog posts to be outright plagiarism.

according to Ryan Brock, the Chief Solution Officer at DemandJump and an expert in copywriting and SEO. He asserted that Chat GPT and all these other AI writing tools are nothing more than plagiarism, whether we want it or not. Clearly.

It scrapes the internet, repackages it in a slightly different format, and returns it to you, in his view. Regardless of your perspective, he argues, “It’s plagiarism and that’s just not cool.”

He continued by saying that you are not adding any new value to anyone when you scrape other people’s content. If you want to become a thought leader or try to sell something, that is not how you develop the trust factor.

On the other hand, Ryan acknowledged that it would speed up the process of coming up with ideas and simplifying fundamental concepts for answers to issues that are timeless and don’t require extensive fact confirmation. However, he claims that using that in a blog article will ultimately cause more harm than good.

He is not alone in feeling this way.

In a July 2022 post, Joyce O’Day essentially stated that work created with AI writing tools isn’t your own. “Any published content that uses artificial intelligence, whether it be academic or popular, should be appropriately labelled with the name of the AI software listed as a co-author,” the speaker stated. If not, writers are claiming credit for works that are not their own intellectual property, which is plagiarism.”

“AIgiarism” is the term used by American venture capitalist Paul Graham, whose wife Jessica Livingston is one of OpenAI’s sponsors, to describe the practice of using AI tools to produce writing that can be passed off as one’s own, according to an article in The Guardian.

It’s unethical, according to a lot of copywriters and content creators I’ve heard say on Facebook Groups, LinkedIn, and online forums like Reddit, to just grab content from AI software. To make problems worse, it may be producing entirely erroneous information in many instances, depending on how intricate the subject is.

Not everyone takes the time to fact-check the content that is provided to them, even though every writing solution I’ve come across has indicated it isn’t accountable for the accuracy of the text that is generated. Actually, I personally know of a few individuals who, because they depended more on AI software than their own common sense, handed in subpar work that had to be corrected. Naturally, this resulted in their losing their jobs.

Some content writers are leaning heavily into AI

It’s no secret that many freelancers are largely relying on AI for content creation, even though employing it for writing may not be entirely ethical. One such freelance writer who is receiving a good deal of criticism for this viewpoint is Alexandra Fasulo, a.k.a. “Fiverr Millionaire” and the author of “Freelance Your Way to Freedom.” The self-described Freelance Fairy has said she is happy AI is becoming more and more popular worldwide and that she thinks it is the way of the future.

She even recently posted on Instagram about Fiverr’s new AI-focused freelancer category, where she talked about how editors of ChatGPT-generated content charge more to make more money faster.

She is certain, though, that AI won’t completely replace independent contractors. For instance, she mentioned proofreading, fact-checking, and adding hyperlinks to AI material as one of her tasks in a TikTok video.

Is producing material using altered AI text a morally acceptable technique to create high-quality content faster and at a lower cost? Maybe.

Where do we draw the ethical line in the sand is, I suppose, the fundamental issue that everyone of us needs to ask ourselves.

Even Google has retracted its early claims that using artificial intelligence will result in a website’s search rankings being utterly degraded. According to a January 2024 article in Search Engine Journal, John Mueller of Google said that content created by AI constituted spam. Subsequently, the magazine stated in January 2023 that Google is now claiming AI material is acceptable as long as it is useful to the consumer and of good quality. Maybe this is because Google wants to compete with ChatGPT with its own AI platform, or maybe they just don’t want to alienate all the advertisers who are considering employing AI to create content. Who can say for sure?

What about SEO considerations with using AI writing tools?

Let’s talk about SEO for a minute while we’re on the subject of Google. Is it possible to use artificial intelligence (AI) to write blog posts that will appear in search results?

The fundamental answer is yes, but with a big disclaimer, based on all the research I did for this piece and the opinions of people who are far smarter than me.

You have to add a lot more to the post generated with AI before you can ever hope to rank with it!

Stated differently, you most likely won’t rank well for content that you copy and paste into WordPress (or any other content management system) from your preferred AI writing service.

However, you can rank with that base component if you take it and make it much better—that is, improve upon it.

Here are the steps you need to take if getting an AI-generated article to rank well is your goal:

  1. Do some keyword research. Wait to start writing the text until you have conducted a comprehensive keyword research session.

When conducting keyword research, think about your ideal client and the specific search terms that might direct them to your page.
Think about the queries people pose, the problems they wish to resolve, and the ways in which your offering may address their needs.

2.Generate concepts for articles. Open your preferred AI writing programme and provide a basic writing prompt. Assume, for illustration, that you are a personal trainer attempting to expand your clientele in the Scottsdale, Arizona, area. We’ll then infer that you’re attempting to rank for Scottsdale’s Best Personal Trainer. We will enter “Give me 10 article ideas for the Best Personal Trainer in Scottsdale” as the query in this instance.

3.Create an outline. Let’s create an outline for the post using one of the prompts. The prompt “10 Reasons to Hire a Personal Trainer in Scottsdale: Benefits and Results” will be used in this instance. Once more, we will use our AI writing solution and ask it to generate a blog post outline.

  1. Compose the article. Here’s where things become complicated; you have two alternatives.

Option 1: In theory, you could use your writing programme to rewrite the prompts so that it would address every point in the outline and result in a respectable piece.
Option 2: Compose the post yourself, addressing the points in the template, and include genuine examples and endorsements to demonstrate your subject-matter competence and authority.

5.Edit and improve the article. To improve the post, edit and add to it. To carry out this, you can:

To incorporate more of the popular keywords, include a FAQ section (don’t overdo it, though!).
Add a few optimised photos with the appropriate Alt Tags and descriptions. (To speed up page loads, reduce the size of the photographs before adding them to the post.)
Divide longer paragraphs into shorter, easier-to-read chunks.
For skimmers, include additional subheadings.
Include, when appropriate, links to reputable websites
Add backlinks to your own blog entries that elaborate on the concepts discussed in the essay.
Make sure your meta description accurately conveys to search engines the topic of the post (don’t forget to include the keyword or keywords you’re aiming for in your description!).

6.Disseminate and advertise. You can start sharing your post on social media, in your newsletter, and even in forums like Reddit and Quora, but it may take some time for it to appear in search engine result pages (SERPs). Please take care not to spam!

7.After that, you must write other entries. Your E-E-A-T isn’t shown by a single strong blog post! In December 2022, Google announced that in order to outperform your rivals, you must now follow new E-A-T standards in order to increase your quality rating.

E-A-T “stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness and Trustworthiness.”
So what is the extra E? Experience!

To outrank your rivals, DemandJump advises creating about 16 posts that are all focused on the same topic. They call this kind of marketing effort a “pillar-based” strategy. It is comparable to the “topic clusters” writing approach used by Hubspot, which entails creating in-depth articles about numerous subtopics that are connected to a single main topic.

In this scenario, you could thus go back to step 2 and take all of the blog post ideas that your AI writing solution produced, then repeat processes 3 through 7 for each of the ten ideas that it provided. Then, connect them all so that they stand by each other and proclaim from the virtual roofs that you are an authority on the topic with the credibility, authority, and expertise to support your assertions on the internet.

5 AI tools that can help you blog better

Which tools are available to you for writing blog posts? There are other alternatives accessible. Instead of going into detail about the individual brands—especially because it seems like more are popping up online every day—I’ll just give some things to think about in order to make creating blog posts easier for you:

  • A keyword research tool
  • An AI writing tool – preferably one that does more than write a paragraph. Look for one that can give you ideas for:
    • Headers
    • Meta descriptions
    • Content briefs
    • Email subjects
    • Videos
    • Blog topics
    • Blog post outlines, etc.
  • A spelling and grammar checker
  • A plagiarism detection tool
  • A graphics and/or image generation tool
How to write a blog post using AI

Thus, what is the ethical way to use AI to produce a blog post? The simplest response is: Avoid copying and pasting material created by AI word for word. What if you could write 2,000 words in a couple of seconds? I wouldn’t advise picking one prompt to use for every section of a post—even if there are several prompts for different parts of the piece.

The better and more moral course of action would be to maybe leverage it to enhance my productivity and overcome writer’s block.

When the cursor on my Google Doc blinks at me for longer than I would like, I take that action. I’ll include a couple of arbitrary prompts to help you get inspired.

After that, carry out independent research and create a message that is truly valuable. I will admit that employing this strategy has saved me a great deal of time and effort because, as a content creator, I frequently get into blocks and don’t know what to write next. Writing solutions that stimulate ideas for content are therefore beneficial.

However, in order to obtain insight into what people are genuinely searching for online regarding a range of topics, I also visit websites like Neil Patel’s Answer the Public, AlsoAsked, and even DemandJump when I’m truly stuck and don’t know where to go with a piece. For example, when one of my companies runs out of ideas for content creation, they ask the users what they would like to learn more about, and we build content campaigns around those answers.

With all of this said, I do believe that AI can be a great tool for overcoming writer’s block and generating fresh concepts.

If you’re at a loss for what to write about on your website next, it’s also a terrific way to generate ideas for blog posts.


We’ve covered a lot in this piece, but my main goal is to perhaps dissuade you from using AI writing applications mindlessly to generate a tonne of subpar content. Your readers and customers deserve better than that. Of course, feel free to employ any and all methods to expedite the process and get rid of writer’s block. However, avoid becoming so dependent on it that you lose track of when to be honest and when to rely on the AI writing assistance.

Without a doubt, AI has a place. And I’m fine for utilising it to enhance the process of creating content. I would suggest looking through as many tools as you like from this point on. Use every free trial you come across to play and experiment as much as you like. After that, return and settle down to create a genuine plan that will result in conversions. Cheers to your blogging!

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