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Our Blog March 13, 2024

How to Become a Social Media Manager

Writen by octaadsmedia

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Learn what a day-to-day Social Media Manager’s role looks like, essential skills, desired qualifications, and how to take your next step.

A Social Media Manager is often in charge of developing content strategy and driving interaction across a company’s social networks. To be successful in that capacity, social media managers must have a talent for storytelling, a great eye for design, and the ability to assess what works well with an audience—and what does not.

Social media has become an important marketing tool because of its capacity to contact and capture customers while learning more about their wants, desires, and frustrations. And it’s widespread across industries—corporations, companies, non-profits, government officials, celebrities, and others use accounts to engage directly with followers—so working as a social media manager may lead to a variety of careers.

In this post, we’ll look at the responsibilities of a social media manager, the skills required for the job, and how to get started.

What does a social media manager do?

In today’s digital age, the role of social media managers is more crucial than ever. From small businesses to multinational corporations, everyone is striving to establish a robust online presence, and skilled social media managers are the key to achieving this goal. Social media managers are often responsible for devising strategies to attract followers, designing and directing social campaigns, producing content, evaluating data, and connecting with important stakeholders within a company.

If you’re interested in working as a social media manager, your tasks may include:

growing followers and generating engagement: Improve a company’s presence on all active social networks by growing its followers and engagement (likes, comments, and shares). You may be asked to create both textual and graphic entries.

Content and campaign strategy: To increase engagement, you’ll be in charge of developing (and occasionally implementing) social campaigns that are consistent with a company’s overall marketing strategy. You may also come up with ideas for evergreen and relevant content, as well as reuse user-generated material.

evaluating data: In addition to creative labour, you will spend time evaluating data to determine how well a company’s postings and content perform. This can include social listening, which involves monitoring what social media users are saying about a business or rivals.

Reporting metrics to key stakeholders: Companies want to know that your work is having an impact, so you’ll most likely be asked to report your accomplishments—or any problems that arise—to your marketing team and even the company’s stakeholders. They’ll undoubtedly be interested in how you build followers, engagement, and generate new content and marketing, among other measures.

publishing and monitoring social media sites: Depending on the size of your team, you may be in charge of publishing and monitoring across all social networks. In that situation, you may need to plan postings and monitor follower replies. You may also be accountable for replying to followers’ comments and communications.

Ensure brand consistency: Ensure that the company’s tone and voice are consistent throughout all content, editorials, and digital material. You want to ensure that all brand material represents the company.

Understanding the Role of a Social Media Manager

Your precise responsibilities as a social media manager will be determined by your company’s size. For example, although many social media managers at bigger organisations accept copy or videos rather than creating them, social media managers at smaller companies are more likely to generate content. So, what exactly does a social media manager do? Simply put, they are responsible for overseeing a brand’s social media presence across various platforms. From creating engaging content to analyzing metrics and managing social media campaigns, their role is multifaceted and dynamic. Social media managers play a pivotal role in shaping a brand’s online image and driving engagement with its target audience.

Social media manager skills 

If you’re interested in becoming a social media manager, it’s a good idea to improve your skills in the following areas: 

Writing: Good social media writing goes beyond proper syntax and spelling, whether you’re writing a post or creating captions. Before applying to be a social media manager, you should refine your copywriting abilities so that you can create appealing content that fits within a brand’s story and voice while also engaging the audience.

Editing: In addition to creating text, you will most likely be required to examine your team members’ work to ensure that it is grammatically correct and error-free. Improving your copy editing and proofreading abilities might help you build the ability to reassure a company or brand that they are secure.

awareness of social media platforms: To successfully manage accounts, you must have a solid awareness of multiple social media sites, including their strengths, shortcomings, and user demographics. Knowledge of the following platforms is likely to be most important: Instagram, WhatsApp, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, and TikTok.

A keen sense of design: Prepare to discuss photos, infographics, videos, and other marketing elements with graphic designers, marketing managers, and other stakeholders. It will be vital to envision a post and then articulate the commercial or strategic rationale for your decisions.

Analytical tools: Knowing which messages resonate with customers necessitates an analytical eye and the ability to investigate. Understanding how to use analytics programmes like Hootsuite, HubSpot, Microsoft Office, and Google Analytics may be beneficial.

Flexibility: The world of social media is always changing. New trending hashtags, algorithms, and platform capabilities frequently force social media managers to think on their feet and incorporate originality into their job.

Timeliness: News events might make certain messages appear tone-deaf or rude, or otherwise overshadow your post’s relevance. Staying up to date on the latest news and larger internet conversations may help you respond appropriately and preserve an organization’s brand.

Management skills: Depending on your job, you may be responsible for managing a team of people to assist the brand in meeting its objectives and completing projects.

How to become a social media manager

Becoming a social media manager often involves a combination of education and experience, however the specifics vary per organisation.

Build a relevant background.

Employers frequently want a degree or equivalent certification in conventional industries like as marketing, however this is not always needed. Many social media managers demonstrate their abilities through hands-on experiences and self-study opportunities. Taking an online marketing class, joining a digital bootcamp, or taking classes at a local institution can all help you develop useful abilities. In general, you will want to demonstrate to potential employers that you have expertise in:

  • Content creation and management
  • Copywriting
  • Data analytics
  • Customer relationship management
  • Budgeting 
  • Technical skills (Adobe Indesign, Photoshop Microsoft Office)
  • Critical thinking
  • Clear and engaging writing

Educational Pathways and Skill Development

While there’s no one-size-fits-all educational path to becoming a social media manager, having a background in marketing, communications, or digital media can be advantageous. However, what’s equally important is continuous learning and skill development. The social media landscape is constantly evolving, and staying updated with the latest trends and technologies is essential for success in this field.

Gaining Practical Experience

Theory is important, but nothing beats hands-on experience. Whether through internships, freelance projects, or volunteer work, gaining practical experience in social media management is crucial. Building a strong portfolio showcasing your skills and expertise can significantly enhance your chances of landing a job as a social media manager.

Mastering Social Media Platforms

Each social media platform has its own unique features and audience demographics. As a social media manager, it’s essential to understand these differences and tailor your content accordingly. From Facebook to Instagram to LinkedIn, mastering various social media platforms is key to maximizing engagement and driving results for your brand.

Understanding Analytics and Metrics

Data-driven decision-making is the cornerstone of effective social media management. By analyzing key metrics such as engagement, reach, and conversion rates, social media managers can fine-tune their strategies for optimal results. Utilizing analytics tools and interpreting data accurately is essential for staying ahead in the competitive world of social media.

Building a Personal Brand

Personal branding isn’t just for influencers; it’s also crucial for social media managers. Establishing a strong online presence across various social media platforms can help you stand out in a crowded job market. Networking with industry professionals and showcasing your expertise can open doors to exciting opportunities in social media management.

Job Search Strategies

Searching for social media manager positions can be daunting, but with the right strategies, you can increase your chances of success. Crafting a compelling resume and cover letter, preparing for interviews, and showcasing your relevant skills and experience are key steps in landing your dream job in social media management.

Experience working with social media is a key part of becoming a manager in the field. If you’re short on experience, look for an entry-level position to teach you the basics of social media management before moving into a managerial position.

Keep an eye out for these entry-level job titles:

  • Social media coordinator or specialist
  • Social media associate
  • Marketing assistant
  • Social media analyst
  • Digital content producer

Polishing your resume and building a portfolio can help you stand out to employers and increase your chances of landing the position. If you don’t have a portfolio, consider taking an online course or completing an online project to practise your skills and create tangible demonstrations of your work.

Freelancing vs. In-House Employment

Deciding between freelancing and in-house employment as a social media manager depends on your preferences and career goals. While freelancing offers flexibility and autonomy, in-house employment provides stability and opportunities for career growth. Consider your options carefully before making a decision.

Continuing Education and Career Growth

The world of social media is constantly evolving, and staying updated with the latest trends and technologies is essential for career growth. Pursuing advanced certifications, specialized training programs, and networking with industry professionals can help you stay ahead of the curve and advance in your career as a social media manager.


Becoming a successful social media manager requires passion, dedication, and continuous learning. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can embark on a rewarding career in social media management and make a meaningful impact in the digital world. Remember, the journey to success may have its challenges, but with perseverance and determination, you can achieve your goals and become a sought-after social media manager.

Additional Resources

For further exploration, check out the following resources:

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