GBP 0.34
Commission Rates
30 days
Average Payment Time
30 Days
Attribution Period (Cookie Length)
TravelSupermarket Affiliate Program
Who Are We? If you're looking for the best travel deals, TravelSupermarket is your go-to website. Our range of comparison tools will help you find the perfect package holidays, car hire, flights, hotels, holiday extras, travel insurance, and dynamic packaging. Our unbiased information is guaranteed to save you both time and money, as we scour hundreds of travel websites to bring you the most accurate and up-to-date availability. We only use information from the most reliable suppliers, such as Opodo, British Airways, First Choice, Thomson, Holiday Autos, Auto-Europe, and many more, to ensure that you always get the best possible price. Our affiliate program focuses on the following products: Travel Insurance, Car Hire, Airport Parking, Airport Lounges, and Airport Hotels on CPA. Package Holidays and Holiday Deals (both invite-only), are under CPC.
Why Work With Us?
We search 1,000s of individual Package Holidays from over 34 suppliers We search over 200 individual Car Hire providers from over 21 suppliers We search 400+ holiday insurance policies from over 50 providers 70% visit to click out rate on average Average Sessions: 2.5 million unique sessions per month Ability to deep link directly to our results pages
Traffic Restriction
What promotional types of publisher are allowed to work on your programme? Cashback | Allow |
Community | Allow |
Content | Allow |
Discount Code | Allow |
Allow | |
Loyalty | Allow |
Search | Allow |
Behavioural Retargeting | Allow |
Media Brokers | Allow |
Does the transaction value that commissions are paid on include VAT / sales tax? | Forbidden |
If publishers promote you via PPC, will they be entitled to full commission? | Forbidden |
If publishers directly link to your website from search engines, will they receive full commission? | Forbidden |
If publishers use your brand name in their display URL, will they receive full commission? | Forbidden |
If publishers use your brand name in their display URL, will they receive full commission? | Forbidden |
If publishers add your brand name into their negative keyword list, will they receive full commission? | Forbidden |
If publishers display their ads when your brand name or variations of your brand name are entered as search keywords, will they receive full commission? (e.g. vodafone, voda fone) | Forbidden |
If publishers display their ads when misspellings of your brand name are entered as search keywords will they receive full commission? (e.g. vodofone) | Forbidden |
If publishers display their ads when your brand name and another word are entered as search keywords, will they receive full commission? (e.g. Vodafone Mobile) | Forbidden |
Do you have a restricted group of publishers who can earn commission on sales generated by brand related terms? | Forbidden |
If publishers place shopping ads on a search engine and link directly to your website, are they eligible to receive full commission? | Forbidden |
If publishers place shopping ads on a search engine such as a Comparison Shopping Service (CSS), does this activity need to be tracked in a separate specific publisher account? | Forbidden |
Where we serve


Airport Parking | Lounges | Hotels
Travel Insurance CPA:
Car Hire: 3.5% CPA of the total booked value by the user

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