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Our Blog April 5, 2024

Types of AI-Generated Content in Digital Marketing

Writen by octaadsmedia

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Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming digital marketing in exciting new ways. One of the most significant applications is using AI to generate marketing content automatically. Rather than relying solely on human writers, marketers can now leverage AI tools to create initial drafts of content or customize content for different contexts.

The use of AI content generation in marketing is growing rapidly. According to one survey, over 50% of marketers are already experimenting with or actively using AI content creation. As the underlying technology continues to improve, AI-generated content will become more ubiquitous across digital marketing strategies.

The main benefits of using AI for content creation include increased output, cost savings, and personalization at scale. AI tools can churn out blog posts, social media captions, and other content much faster than any human writer. This boost in productivity allows marketers to experiment with more content formats and optimize their efforts through data-driven testing. AI is also more cost-effective, eliminating the need for full-time writers or content agencies. Lastly, AI excels at taking existing content and tailoring it for different contexts and audiences.

In this article, we’ll explore the major applications of AI-generated content in digital marketing today. While human creativity and strategy are still essential, AI promises to amplify content marketing efforts for the better.

Blog Posts

AI can be a powerful tool for generating blog post ideas and initial drafts. With the right prompts and training data, AI tools like GPT-3 are capable of producing complete blog posts on a wide variety of topics.

Some key ways AI can assist with blog writing include:

– Coming up with creative blog post ideas and angles based on target keywords, trends, and seasonality. The AI can suggest numerous titles and approaches to brainstorm from.

– Producing a rough first draft of a blog post by providing a prompt with the topic, goal, tone, and outline. The AI will generate cohesive paragraphs and fill in the content.

– Expanding on bullet points and brief notes to create more robust paragraphs with natural language. This allows getting a draft from limited human inputs.

– Assisting with writer’s block when stuck on how to cover a topic or transition between ideas. The AI can provide suggestions to proceed.

– Enhancing creativity by analyzing multiple AI-generated drafts to find novel perspectives. The variations can inspire new directions.

– Saving time on routine blog posts by using AI to get a quick first draft, which human writers can then refine and edit to perfection.

The goal is not necessarily to fully automate blogging, but rather use AI capabilities to amplify human creativity and research. People still craft the best titles, topics, outlines, and edits. But AI can provide a productivity boost to draft faster. With human guidance, AI blog writing can save time while maintaining quality.

Social Media Captions & Posts

AI tools can generate engaging social media captions and posts to help brands connect with their audience. AI analyzes data about a brand’s target audience, competitors, and past successful posts to craft natural language captions and posts that resonate.

AI-generated social media content is especially useful for:

– Saving time creating daily posts across multiple platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc. Instead of manually crafting unique captions and posts, AI can instantly generate hundreds of options to choose from.

– Maintaining brand voice and tone consistency across social channels. AI models can be trained on a brand’s existing content to replicate their style.

– A/B testing different captions and post text options to see which drive the most engagement. AI makes it fast and easy to produce variations to test.

– Automating and scheduling social media content in advance. AI can generate future posts mapped to a content calendar that are automatically published.

– Providing inspiration when experiencing writer’s block. AI can rapidly generate post ideas based on current events, trends, holidays, etc.

– Adapting to different audiences and interests. AI can tailor social media messaging for different locations, demographics, interests and more.

With AI, brands can increase social media content velocity and experimentation while maintaining quality and a consistent brand voice. The key is providing the AI with enough training data and optimizing over time.

Product Descriptions

One of the most time-consuming tasks for ecommerce businesses is writing unique and compelling product descriptions. With hundreds or even thousands of products to describe, it can be extremely tedious for human writers. This is where AI-generated content can make a major impact.

AI tools like and can quickly generate product descriptions by analyzing key product attributes and features. The AI examines the product name, images, specs, and any existing description. It then outputs a new description in a natural writing style, touching on the product’s purpose, benefits, aesthetics, and other selling points. 

The major advantage is the speed at which AI can produce these descriptions at scale. What would take a human writer days or weeks to manually compose can be automated in minutes or hours by AI. This allows ecommerce businesses to greatly expand their product catalogs and optimize every product page with custom copy.

AI-generated product descriptions may still need some human oversight and editing. But they provide an excellent first draft that captures all the key product features accurately. The human copyeditor can then refine the tone, style, and messaging to perfection.

Overall, automating product descriptions through AI is revolutionizing ecommerce content at scale. It saves massive amounts of time and allows online retailers to optimize every product page with compelling and conversion-focused copy.

Emails & Newsletters

AI tools like and Phrasee can be incredibly useful for drafting emails and newsletter content. These tools allow marketers to generate initial drafts that hit the right tone and contain engaging messaging.

The AI can analyze past email performance data and A/B test results to optimize subject lines, preview text, and content. It can generate hundreds of variations to A/B test, saving marketers countless hours.

AI is great at producing first drafts, but human review is still essential. Marketers need to review AI-generated emails and newsletters for accuracy, brand alignment, and final polish.

Key benefits of using AI for email and newsletter content:

– Saves time drafting initial versions

– Optimizes subject lines and preview text

– Allows easy A/B testing of content variations

– Learns from past email performance data

– Helps hit the right tone and voice for your brand

– Produces high-quality first drafts for review

With the right human oversight, AI can create effective email and newsletter content that engages subscribers and gets results. The AI handles the initial heavy lifting while marketers provide the finishing touches.

Advertising Copy

AI can be used to generate effective advertising copy for platforms like Facebook and Google Ads. Some key benefits of using AI for ad copy include:

Faster ideation and creation: AI tools can generate hundreds of headlines and ad copy variations in seconds, allowing marketers to quickly test different messaging. This is much faster than manually drafting copy.

– Data-driven copy: Many AI copywriting tools can incorporate insights from past ad performance data to generate new copy optimized for conversions. The AI can test different ad creatives against historical data to predict high-performing options.

– Personalization at scale: AI tools allow marketers to dynamically inject personalized information into ad copy to make messaging more relevant to each user. This could include names, locations, interests and other attributes. The AI makes large-scale personalization feasible.

– A/B testing: AI-generated ad copy can be used to quickly produce multiple versions of an ad for A/B testing. The AI might generate one version focused on price, another on quality, and another on customer service. Marketers can then test these variations against each other.

– Multivariate testing: AI can test different combinations of ad elements like headlines, descriptions, images, calls-to-action, etc. This multivariate testing helps identify optimal ad creatives.

Overall, AI represents an important evolution in advertising copywriting, providing greater scale, personalization, iteration and experimentation compared to manual human copywriting. It allows marketers to optimize ad performance. However, human oversight is still important to ensure relevance, quality and brand alignment.

SEO & Meta Descriptions

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a crucial part of any digital marketing strategy. AI can help optimize websites and pages for search engines by generating meta descriptions.

Meta descriptions are short paragraphs that summarize a page’s content. They appear under the blue clickable links in search engine results pages (SERPs). AI tools can analyze pages and automatically generate meta descriptions that are keyword-optimized and compelling to searchers.

For example, an AI tool could scan a company’s product pages and create unique meta descriptions for each one. The AI would focus the descriptions on the most important keywords and features of that product. This helps search engines understand what the page is about. The AI can also generate descriptions that entice searchers to click, improving click-through rates.

AI-written meta descriptions help ensure each page has a customized description instead of a generic site-wide description. AI can churn out many meta descriptions at scale, saving SEO teams significant time. The AI-generated descriptions also tend to outperform human-written ones in click-through rates.

Overall, leveraging AI for optimizing meta descriptions improves on-page SEO and increases organic traffic. It’s an impactful application of AI for digital marketing and SEO.

Website Content

AI is revolutionizing how businesses generate website content. With AI writing assistants and content generation tools, companies can produce large volumes of high-quality, human-like content for their websites at scale.

Some key ways AI is transforming website content creation:

– Article writing – AI tools can generate entire blog posts and articles from just a headline or prompt. This allows businesses to quickly populate their sites with fresh, engaging content.

-Product descriptions- Creating unique, compelling product descriptions is tedious. AI can instantly generate detailed descriptions for ecommerce sites and catalogs.

– Page optimization – AI can refine page titles, headers, and meta descriptions for better SEO and click-through rates.

– Website copy – From FAQs to About Us pages, AI can produce all the static, explanatory copy needed to flesh out a site.

– Personalization – AI tools can create dynamic, customized content tailored to individual users and contexts.

– Multilingual content – AI takes the pain out of translating site content, allowing for easy localization.

– Content ideation – AI can come up with creative ideas and angles for new website content based on data and briefs.

The key benefits of using AI for website content include increased output, lower costs, and freeing up humans to focus on high-value creative tasks. While AI-generated content lacks true originality, it provides a solution for businesses needing large volumes of site content. With human oversight and editing, AI can be a powerful content creation asset.

Reporting & Analytics

AI tools are becoming more prevalent in analyzing marketing content performance and generating data-driven insights. Rather than relying solely on humans to pore over analytics, AI can quickly process huge amounts of data to identify patterns and trends.

Some key applications of AI in marketing analytics include:

– Natural language processing to understand sentiment, topics, keywords, and entities within content. This allows for more nuanced analysis beyond vanity metrics.

– Machine learning algorithms can segment audiences and personalize content optimization recommendations based on past performance. As the AI ingests more data, the recommendations continuously improve.

– AI pattern recognition can identify anomalies in performance that may require further investigation. This allows marketers to stay on top of issues.

– Predictive analytics powered by AI can forecast content performance based on past trends. This enables more informed budget and resource allocation.

– AI-generated dashboards can automatically pull customized reports to summarize key metrics and insights. This saves time over manual reporting.

The main benefits of applying AI analytics include increased efficiency, more advanced insights, and the ability to optimize content at scale. With the exponential growth of marketing data, AI is becoming indispensable for understanding content effectiveness and guiding data-driven strategy.


AI-generated content has rapidly emerged as a transformative force in digital marketing. As the technology continues advancing at a remarkable pace, it will open new frontiers and possibilities for marketers and businesses.

The ability to automatically generate high-quality, human-like content across multiple formats and use cases is a game-changer. Marketers can scale content production and optimize countless touchpoints, while freeing up their time for more strategic work.

Looking ahead, AI will become deeply integrated into the content creation process. It augments rather than replaces human creativity and judgment. With the right human oversight, AI can produce content that is not only informative but engaging and purpose-driven.

Marketers who strategically adopt AI-generated content will gain a competitive advantage. But they must do so responsibly and transparently, while maintaining brand voice, tone and personality. As the technology matures, ethical considerations around its application will be increasingly important.

Overall, the future is bright for AI-powered content in digital marketing. Harnessed properly, it will open up new levels of productivity, personalization and innovation. Marketers who understand its possibilities and limitations will be best positioned to unlock its full potential while avoiding potential pitfalls. With a thoughtful, human-centric approach, AI promises to take content creation and digital experiences to the next level.

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