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Our Blog February 8, 2024

What do you think of LinkedIn newsletters- Is It Worth Your Marketing Efforts?

Writen by octaadsmedia

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Linkedin newsletters

What Is a LinkedIn Newsletter?

Do LinkedIn Newsletters Fit Into Your Content Marketing Plan?

Benefits of LinkedIn Newsletters for Businesses

Helps Build Authority

Helps Increase Engagement

Helps Boost Brand Awareness

Disadvantages of a Business LinkedIn Newsletter

You Can’t Collect Emails

Extremely Limited Analytics

How to Include Newsletters From LinkedIn Into Your Content Marketing Plan

But why not employ both is the true question you should be asking yourself?

In simple terms:
Email newsletter = Value bombs 💣
LinkedIn newsletter = Lighter, but still interesting and valuable content

Content Ideas We Utilise for Our Clients’ Linkedin Newsletter Content Strategies

  • Link snippets to your most recent blog entries (repurposing is your best friend)
  • Links to previous webinars (please provide a summary)
  • Links to current videos and podcasts (also includes show notes)
  • Case Studies
  • Fun Q&A sessions with the employees
  • Highlights of your voluntary efforts, pro bono work, and community service
  • updates of your most recent hiring
  • Recent media attention
  • upcoming webinars and events
  • Information about your programmes for women’s initiatives and diversity

Extra tip:

Final Verdict
  • Don’t have an existing database but have a substantial number of LinkedIn followers.
  • Don’t have the budget and/or the technical know-how to use more advanced email marketing and CRM platforms like Hubspot and Active Campaign.
  • Don’t have the necessary GDPR procedures required to maintain an email contact list.

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