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Our Blog February 14, 2024

How to Skyrocket Your Google Rankings: The #1 Key You Need to Know

Writen by octaadsmedia

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google ranking

If you want to know how to rank on Google, you must understand SEO.

SEO stands for search engine optimisation. And it refers to a collection of strategies for increasing a website’s exposure on search engines such as Google.

This post will show how you can improve your Google rankings and increase organic (unpaid) Google traffic.


Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving a website’s visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs). High rankings on Google and other major search engines are crucial for businesses today, as the vast majority of people discover websites through search engines rather than by directly typing in a URL.

So how does a website get top ranking on Google? There is no one simple trick, but rather a combination of important ranking factors that search engines evaluate. While Google’s ranking algorithm is complex and constantly evolving, these core elements influence where a site ranks in organic search results:

Quality Content

Google’s search algorithm aims to provide the most useful, relevant results to searchers. So creating high-quality, useful content focused on the topic that users are searching for is key to getting top rankings.

Unique, valuable, and extensive content is one of the most important ranking factors according to Google. Thin or duplicate content tends to rank lower. Each page should offer an in-depth exploration of the topic, providing insightful analysis and presenting information in a way that offers significant value to readers beyond what they could find on competing pages.

The content should be well-researched, accurate, and comprehensive. It should avoid common information and bring something fresh and substantive to the conversation. The goal is to make each page the definitive resource on the topic so users won’t need to look elsewhere.

With thorough, thoughtful, original content that digs deeper, pages can establish themselves as trustworthy authorities. This expertise and quality content focused on the user intent behind search queries is one of the best ways to earn high Google rankings. The focus should always be on crafting content for readers, not search engines. But pages that become go-to resources provide immense value to readers tend to perform well in SEO.

Keyword Optimization

Keyword optimization is essential for getting top rankings on Google. When optimizing for keywords, focus on using relevant keywords naturally throughout your content rather than stuffing keywords.

Specifically, be sure to incorporate keywords in:

  • Title tags – Include your target keyword in the page title tag. Keep titles under 60 characters.
  • URL – If possible, include your target keyword in the URL for the page. Use hyphens to separate words.
  • Headers – Use your target keyword in H1 and H2 header tags where it fits naturally. Don’t force it.
  • Content – Mention the keyword in the opening paragraph and 2-3 times throughout the content where it flows naturally. Don’t over-optimize.
  • Alt text – Include keyword in image file names and alt text descriptions.

The key is to use your target keyword just enough times for Google to understand the topic, but not so much that it seems spammy to users. Focus on creating content for your audience first. Optimize secondarily by working your keywords in naturally throughout the content.

Technical SEO

Technical SEO refers to the behind-the-scenes optimizations that make a website easy for search engines to crawl, index, and understand. While quality content is crucial for rankings, even the best content will struggle to rank if the site has technical issues. Some key technical SEO factors include:

Site Speed – Page speed has become a key ranking factor. Slow-loading pages lead to high bounce rates and poor user experience. Use page speed tools to identify issues, optimize images, minify code, and leverage caching. Goal for under 2-3 second load times.

Mobile Optimization – With over half of searches on mobile, having a mobile-friendly site is essential. Ensure the site adopts a mobile-first index, avoids pop-ups and interstitials, uses scalable font sizes, and has easy tap targets.

Structured Data – Adding schema markup enables search engines to better understand the content. Use schema for articles, products, reviews, events, etc. Can enhance display of results in rich snippets.

Site Architecture – A properly organized URL structure and internal linking facilitates crawling. Avoid excessive use of flash or javascript. Ensure a sensible information architecture and ideal page hierarchy.

Let me know if you would like me to expand on any part of the Technical SEO section. I aimed to provide a high-level overview of the key factors while avoiding excessive detail or repetition from the outline. Please provide any feedback on the quality, depth, and overall usefulness of this section.


Backlinks remain one of the most important ranking factors for Google. However, Google has stressed focusing on earning backlinks from high quality, authoritative sites rather than just accumulating as many backlinks as possible.

The key is to get backlinks from reputable sites related to your niche. For example, if you run a cooking blog, backlinks from major food blogs, Recipe publishers, or reputable news sites with a food section carry more weight than low-quality directories.

Aim to create noteworthy content that sites in your field will want to reference and link to. Guest posting on authority sites can also help, but make sure the content offers unique value for their audience. Avoid low-quality networks promising easy backlinks.

Focus on earned backlinks obtained organically rather than building artificial link schemes. In addition, diversify your backlinks from a variety of reputable domains. Having a healthy mix of referral domains pointing back to your site tends to improve rankings more than a ton of links from just one site. But overall, quality trumps quantity when it comes to backlinks.

User Experience is Key for SEO

Providing an excellent user experience is crucial for getting high Google rankings. Google wants to send searchers to sites that will satisfy their query and give them a great experience. Sites with poor user experience tend to have high bounce rates, which Google views negatively.

Some key elements of user experience that impact SEO include:

  • Easy Navigation – Make sure users can easily find what they need on your site. Use simple, intuitive navigation menus and structure your content in a logical way. This improves time on site.
  • Fast Load Times – Sites that load slowly frustrate users, causing them to leave quickly. Use image compression, caching, and other optimization to improve page speed. Faster sites tend to rank higher.
  • Responsive Design – With more searches on mobile, having a responsive site that adapts to different devices is critical. Mobile sites that are difficult to use will have high bounce rates. Responsive design improves mobile user experience.

By focusing on user experience and creating a site that satisfies visitors, you make it more likely to rank well in Google over the long-term. The better the experience, the more time users spend exploring your content. Quality user experience signals to Google that your site provides value.

Social Signals

Getting social signals and engagement is another important ranking factor. Social signals include
likes, shares, links, comments, and other interactions on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and more.

The more people that like, share, comment on, and link to your content on social media, the more credibility and authority search engines assign to that content. Social signals demonstrate that real users find your content interesting and valuable.

Some key tips for generating social signals:

  • Share your new content across your social media channels when it’s published to maximize exposure.
  • Make shareable content – list posts, quizzes, guides, and videos tend to attract high social engagement.
  • Run social media giveaways and contests to spike shares and likes.
  • Collaborate with influencers in your niche to produce co-created content or quote articles. Their existing audiences will help amplify your messaging.
  • Include prominent share buttons on your blog and website to make it easy for readers to share.
  • Prompt readers in your content to interact – ask questions, request feedback, etc.
  • Leverage relevant trending hashtags but avoid overusing them.
  • Reply and engage with your audience on social media to build community.

The more social signals a piece of content can accumulate, the more authority it gains in Google’s eyes. So be sure to incorporate social promotion into your overall SEO strategy.

Local SEO

Getting your business to rank high in local search results is crucial for driving foot traffic and attracting customers who are searching for businesses near them. Local SEO can help your business stand out when people search for related products or services in your geographic area.

Optimizing your website and online listings for local SEO involves ensuring your business name, address and phone number (NAP) are consistent across key sites like Google My Business, Facebook and Bing. Complete and optimize your Google My Business listing with keywords, high-quality photos and detailed business information.

Include your NAP and location information on your website’s contact pages and schema markup. Improve your local ranking signals by getting more positive Google and Facebook reviews, building local citations and links, and encouraging customers to check-in at your location on Google Maps.

Optimizing your website for local SEO also means targeting locally relevant keywords in your content like city names, neighborhoods and streets. Creating blog posts, FAQs and other pages that cater to your geographic location can help drive more local traffic. Leverage Google Maps to allow customers to easily find and get directions to your brick-and-mortar location.


Having a secure website is crucial for ranking well on Google. Google wants to provide users with a safe browsing experience, so they penalize sites that are unsafe or hacked. Here are some security tips:

  • Install an SSL certificate. Switch your site to HTTPS protocol which encrypts connections. This also provides a minimal ranking boost. Use a trusted SSL certificate provider.
  • No malware. Google scans websites for hidden malware. Make sure your site is clean and malware-free. Run scans regularly.
  • Protect against hacking. Use strong passwords, disable file/directory browsing, implement rate limiting on logins. Update plugins/software. Harden the server.
  • Show security badges. Display trust symbols like the Comodo Secure seal or Norton Secured badge. Assures users your site is secure.
  • Limit user inputs. Sanitize then validate any form inputs or user generated content to prevent XSS/SQLi attacks.
  • Practice good security hygiene. Enforce strong password policies for admin accounts. Limit user roles. Schedule automated backups.

Making security a priority protects your site from threats while increasing user trust. Follow these best practices to help avoid penalties and rank better in Google.

Monitoring and Improvement

Getting to the top of Google is an ongoing process that requires continual monitoring and refinement. Here are some tips for tracking your search engine optimization efforts over time:

Track keyword ranks – Use a rank tracking tool like SEMrush, Ahrefs, or Moz to monitor your site’s rankings for target keywords in Google. Check rankings regularly to see if efforts are moving the needle. Identify high priority keywords that need more focus.

Analyze site analytics – Google Analytics provides key insights like traffic sources, popular pages and posts, bounce rates, etc. Review analytics regularly to see how SEO efforts are impacting site traffic and user behavior. Are visitors finding your site from organic search? Is traffic increasing over time?

Run technical audits – Use tools like Google Search Console, Screaming Frog, or Google Lighthouse to audit technical SEO factors like site speed, mobile optimization, structured data, etc. Fix any issues that may be limiting performance.

Monitor backlinks – Link building is critical for rankings, so keep an eye on backlink growth and quality. Use tools like Ahrefs, SEMrush, or Moz Link Explorer to spot unhealthy links that need to be disavowed.

Refine on-page optimization – Continue optimizing title tags, metadata, content, etc. for target keywords. Assess what’s working and double down on high-performing pages and posts.

Expand off-page SEO – Build more quality backlinks, improve local listings, and earn more mentions, shares and engagement across the web. Expand efforts that are yielding results.

Stay up to date – Monitor Google algorithm updates, search trends, and SEO best practices. Adapt efforts to focus on what’s working now in Google. SEO is always changing!

By continually monitoring, auditing and optimizing your SEO strategy over time, you can increase your site’s visibility and authority in Google to inch your way to the top of the SERPs. It’s an ongoing process, but worth the effort.

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