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Our Blog January 9, 2024

How to make the transition from Universal Analytics GA4

Writen by octaadsmedia

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Universal Analytics GA4

  • Automatically Collected: Collected by default when you switch over to G4A.
  • Enhanced Measurement: Collected when the enhanced measurement option is turned on. Once this option is activated, Universal Analytics GA4 will automatically track things like scroll, click, and page_view (among others). 
  • Recommended: Google recommends events to collect, which are based on data that has been previously collected on your website or app. These need to be manually implemented. 
  • Custom: Events that the user defines. This option is only recommended if no other events work for your case.
Google Analytics
  • Users that have visited your website in the last 30 minutes;
  • Where those visitors come from (for example, if they’ve come from a platform, medium, or specific campaign);
  • Who they are, specifically if they are users or new users;
  • Events that they have triggered;
  • Which content they have engaged with and;
  • The conversion they’ve completed.

Now that we’ve covered the main differences and hopefully convinced you to make the switch, how exactly do you do that? Google makes it easier than ever before with a step-by-step guide that you can find here.

To update to GA4, you will need to create a new GA4 property. When creating the new property, the setup wizard may (or may not) give you the option to enable data collection using your existing global site tag(s). If the setup wizard does provide this option, it will use the tags on your website, and no further action is needed. Remember that it may take up to 30 minutes for data to begin to appear in your new GA4 property. So, be patient. If nothing shows up after 48 hours, double-check to see if everything is set up correctly. 

Universal Analytics GA4

How to Connect GA4 to Mediavine

Similarweb GA4
  • For a complete guide to switching from UA to G4A, many articles can help you with step-by-step instructions. We recommend looking at this article written by Ahrefs or this one written by SEJ, both of which cover the entire process of making the switch. If you need a more visual guide, this YouTube video by Analytics Maniacs is a great option.
  • Once you’ve made the switch, it’s the time to learn how everything works. If you need some help understanding the basics of GA4, there are a lot of great articles and videos to help you. Here are the ones we recommend:
    • This implementation guide for GA4 events covers everything from structure to composition, implementation, and evaluation of events.
    • Google Analytics has posted a YouTube video about creating a new event in GA4, which you can watch here. Here is a video all about how to set up recommended events.
  • Then there is Google, which has shared several great articles that outline everything you need to know about GA4. We recommend reading everything we’ve already linked in this article, plus Google’s release notes, which you can find here. As we approach the deadline, Google keeps releasing new GA4 updates.

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