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Our Blog February 14, 2024

2024 Digital Marketing Trends: What’s New and What’s Next

Writen by octaadsmedia

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2024 Digital Marketing Trends: What's New and What's Next


The marketing landscape is constantly evolving as new technologies emerge and consumer behaviors change. Looking ahead and identifying the key digital marketing trends for 2024 can help businesses future-proof their strategies and get ahead of the curve. Though 2024 may seem far off, it’s closer than you think and preparing now puts companies in a better position to leverage what’s on the horizon.

This article will explore 10 major trends that are expected to significantly impact digital marketing over the next few years. Highlighting these trends for 2024 provides valuable insights into how marketers should prepare for the future and where to focus their efforts in order to maximize results. Some of the key trends include advances in artificial intelligence and machine learning, the rising prominence of video marketing, the growth of conversational marketing through chatbots and voice assistants, as well as shifts in areas like personalization, influencer marketing, and privacy changes.

By outlining the digital marketing trends predicted to develop between now and 2024, this piece aims to help marketers and business owners understand where the industry is headed. They can adjust their strategies accordingly and identify opportunities to incorporate cutting-edge tactics that will soon become integral parts of the digital marketing landscape. Getting ahead of trends leads to staying relevant, optimizing campaigns, and providing a better experience for customers.

AI and Machine Learning Reshape Digital Marketing

Artificial intelligence and machine learning will continue to transform digital marketing in 2024 and beyond. As these technologies become more advanced and widely adopted, they enable marketers to:

  • Drive more predictive analytics. AI algorithms can analyze huge volumes of customer data to detect patterns and make more accurate forecasts about future buyer behavior. This allows marketers to better anticipate customer needs and preferences.
  • Create highly personalized content and experiences. With machine learning models, marketers can segment audiences and tailor content down to the individual level based on each user’s distinct interests and characteristics.
  • Automate repetitive marketing tasks. AI assistance can help generate content, manage social media, adjust bidding for PPC ads, send triggered emails, and handle other routine activities to free up marketers’ time.
  • Optimize the customer journey. AI tools can track customer touchpoints across channels to understand pain points and friction. Marketers can then refine journeys for better conversions.
  • Process natural language. Chatbots and voice assistants that rely on NLP improve conversational experiences and search while enabling 24/7 automated support.

As AI/ML continue advancing, they will become even more ingrained into the martech stack. Marketers must focus on collecting quality data to train algorithms and carefully testing to mitigate bias. Overall, AI and ML will transform digital marketing into a much more predictive, personalized, and optimized discipline.

Video Marketing

Video marketing is poised for major growth in 2024 as brands continue to realize the power of visual storytelling. Live, short form, and interactive videos will be especially popular.

Live video creates an authentic connection between brands and audiences. As video technology improves, livestreaming will become even easier and higher quality. Brands that incorporate live video into social media, virtual events, product launches, and more can expect higher engagement.

Short form video exploded in popularity thanks to TikTok. These quick, entertaining videos pack a punch, spreading rapidly across platforms. Compelling 15-60 second videos optimize for mobile users with short attention spans. Brands will tap into short form video for fun content that spotlights products and personalities.

Interactive video that incorporates quizzes, questions, CTAs, and clickable elements boosts viewer participation. Letting audiences actively engage rather than passively watch increases brand awareness and conversions. Shoppable video integrates ecommerce so customers can make purchases without leaving the video. Choose-your-own-adventure style videos allow viewers to determine the story flow. These interactive videos grab attention and provide valuable data.

Video will dominate content strategies as audiences increasingly prefer dynamic visuals over static text. Harnessing the range of video formats and interactivity gives brands an effective way to build relationships and loyalty.

Conversational Marketing

Conversational marketing will become an even more significant digital marketing trend in 2024 as chatbots, messaging apps, and voice assistants continue to evolve into sophisticated tools for engaging customers. Brands will need robust conversational marketing strategies to remain competitive.

Chatbots are becoming more advanced through AI, with some able to hold nearly human-like conversations. They provide 24/7 customer service and can qualify leads while seamlessly handing off to human agents when needed. We’ll see more brands using chatbots in 2024 to respond to customers instantly, book appointments or events, provide content, and enable purchases.

Messaging apps like WhatsApp are exploding in popularity, with many people now preferring them over email and social media. Brands that capitalize on messaging marketing by creating accounts on major platforms will have a significant advantage. These messaging apps provide a prime opportunity to connect with customers in real-time through promotional content, support, and interactive experiences.

The quality of voice assistants like Alexa and Siri will improve substantially by 2024. As smart speaker adoption grows, brands need voice search optimization and voice app strategies. Voice will emerge as an important digital marketing channel, enabling personalized, conversational experiences between brands and consumers.

To stay ahead in 2024, marketers will need to tap into the power of AI-driven conversational marketing on chatbots, messaging platforms, and voice assistants. These technologies enable brands to engage their audience in more natural, immersive ways. Conversational marketing will be key for driving conversions, building loyalty, and delighting customers.


Personalization will reach new heights in 2024 as marketers gain access to even more data about customers and leverage advanced technologies to deliver hyper-targeted content and experiences. Expect platforms like Google and Facebook to roll out more sophisticated ad targeting capabilities based on detailed user profiles, interests, behaviors, and intent signals.

Marketers will also invest heavily in website personalization, using data and algorithms to customize page layouts, product recommendations, on-site messaging, and journeys for each visitor. Rather than showing all users the same content, sites will tailor experiences to fit individual interests and needs. For example, an athletic clothing brand could showcase running shoes to frequent runners and yoga pants to those who regularly read yoga content.

To power personalization, first-party data collection and identity resolution will be major priorities. Marketers will look to gather as much consented, deterministic data as possible on known customers across devices and channels. Robust and accurate customer profiles will enable real-time optimization and customization onsite and in ads.

As personalization advances, marketers must balance customization with privacy. Consumers are increasingly wary of how their data is collected and used. Brands that are transparent about data practices and provide value in exchange for data will gain an edge. Marketers should also give users visibility into why they are seeing certain content or offers.

Overall, the ability to deliver relevant, tailored experiences to each person will be more vital than ever. The most sophisticated personalization programs will likely see significant lifts in engagement, conversion, and loyalty.

Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing will continue to grow and evolve in 2024. While mega influencers with millions of followers were once the most sought after, brands are shifting focus to micro-influencers.

Micro-influencers are regular people with smaller followings, between 1,000 to 100,000 followers. What they lack in reach, they make up for in engagement and connection with their audience. Followers view micro-influencers as more authentic and relatable. As a result, their recommendations convert better.

For brands, micro-influencers tend to be more affordable and easier to work with than celebrity influencers. Their endorsements come across as more genuine too. This translates into higher returns.

In 2024, expect brands to expand their influencer pools and collaborate with nano and micro-influencers in their niche. More personalized, authentic campaigns will be the goal. Measuring engagement over vanity metrics will be key. Long-term partnerships will also emerge as brands and smaller influencers build relationships and trust.

The future of influencer marketing is going micro. Smaller influencers will produce big results for brands seeking authenticity and connection with their audience.

Social Commerce

Social media platforms are making it easier than ever for users to shop directly on social apps without leaving the platform. With social commerce, users can discover products, make purchases, and get customer support all in one place.

In 2024, expect to see Instagram, TikTok, and other platforms double down on social commerce capabilities. Instagram is expanding Instagram Shops and integrating new features like product tags and shoppable livestreams to turn the app into a major shopping destination. TikTok is also getting into social commerce with TikTok Shop enabling brands to add “shop now” buttons to drive purchases directly within the app.

Social platforms are optimized for discovering and engaging with content. By adding commerce capabilities, they can convert that discovery into sales more seamlessly than ever. For brands, placing buy buttons next to organic social content will help convert impressions into sales. And for users, it provides a more seamless path to purchase than having to leave the app and go to a separate shopping site.

With over 1 billion monthly active users each, the commerce potential for platforms like Instagram and TikTok is massive. As social platforms expand their shopping capabilities, social commerce will explode over the next few years. Smart brands will lean into these new social commerce experiences to engage mobile-first consumers where they’re already spending time.

Privacy Changes

Lawmakers and tech platforms are enacting more stringent privacy laws and policies, which will impact how marketers can collect and use consumer data. This will require digital marketers to rethink targeting and personalization approaches.

The EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) went into full effect in 2018, prioritizing consumer privacy rights. It requires transparent disclosures on data collection and consent requirements for processing personal data. The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), which took effect January 2020, has similar transparency and consent provisions to GDPR. More US states are expected to enact their own consumer privacy laws.

In addition to regulations, tech platforms like Google, Apple, and Facebook have implemented privacy-focused changes that limit access to user data and tracking capabilities. Apple’s Intelligent Tracking Prevention and Google’s phaseout of third-party cookies in Chrome will disrupt traditional targeting and analytics. Facebook has removed over 5,000 targeting options to limit data collection.

As a result of these privacy laws and policies, digital marketers will have less ability to track users across sites and apps without explicit consent. Marketers will need to rely more on contextual methods like topic, keyword, and demographic targeting rather than past user behavior. First-party data strategies will grow in importance, as marketers try to build direct relationships with customers.

AR and VR

Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) will continue to expand in 2024, providing brands new opportunities to create immersive and engaging experiences. While AR and VR have been around for years, the technology is becoming more advanced and accessible.

In 2024, we’ll see more brands experimenting with AR and VR as the costs come down and the tech improves. For example, Nike and other retailers have already created AR apps that allow customers to visualize products in their own space before buying. This helps recreate the in-store experience digitally. IKEA also has an AR app that lets shoppers view furniture in their homes. These types of try-before-you-buy apps will become standard for online shopping.

VR is also gaining traction for branded experiences. Destinations and travel companies can offer virtual tours and previews. Car companies are using VR test drives to bring their vehicles to life. The gaming and entertainment industries will continue leading the way in VR adoption and innovation.

As AR and VR expand, marketers will focus on crafting seamless experiences that truly immerse users. The goal is to make the technology transparent so that the brand storytelling and interactions take center stage. The companies that find creative ways to integrate AR and VR without making it feel gimmicky will have an edge.

Overall, AR and VR present exciting opportunities for digital marketers in 2024. Those who leverage the tech thoughtfully will be able to connect with audiences in more meaningful and memorable ways. The future is unfolding fast.


Digital marketing is constantly evolving and 2024 will bring some exciting new trends and changes. Marketers who want to stay ahead of the curve need to keep an eye on emerging technologies like AI, VR, and new social platforms, while also strengthening traditional digital marketing skills like content creation, email marketing, and SEO.

Some of the key trends covered in this article include:

  • The continued growth of artificial intelligence and machine learning, which will allow for more personalized and predictive marketing. Marketers need to find ways to incorporate AI responsibly into campaigns.
  • The rise of new social commerce platforms that seamlessly integrate shopping into social media. Brands should test out new channels and think creatively about social commerce opportunities.
  • Stricter data privacy regulations that will require digital marketers to be more transparent with users. Marketers need robust consent flows and privacy policies.
  • The maturation of newer technologies like augmented and virtual reality which open up new creative options for digital experiences. Savvy marketers will find thoughtful ways to test and integrate AR/VR.
  • The ongoing importance of versatile skills like copywriting, graphic design, video production, and conversion rate optimization. Digital marketing roles continue to become more integrated.

By staying agile and open-minded about emerging technologies, while also strengthening core skills, digital marketers will be poised to succeed in 2024 and beyond. The future looks bright for innovative marketers who can balance new trends with timeless best practices.

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