BRL 0.29
61 days
Average Payment Time
30 days
Attribution Period (Cookie Length)
Traffic Restriction
What promotional types of publisher are allowed to work on your programme? Cashback | Allow |
Community | Allow |
Content | Allow |
Discount Code | Allow |
Allow | |
Loyalty | Allow |
Behavioural Retargeting | Allow |
Media Brokers | Allow |
Behavioural Retargeting | Allow |
What promotional types of publisher are allowed to work on your programme? Search | Forbidden |
For any agreed publisher paid search activity, will publishers be paid for sales generated from the following search engines?| Google | Yahoo | Bing |Other | Forbidden |
If publishers place shopping ads on a search engine and link directly to your website, are they eligible to receive full commission? | Forbidden |
Do you have a restricted group of publishers who can earn commission on sales generated by brand related terms? | Forbidden |
If publishers place shopping ads on a search engine such as a Comparison Shopping Service (CSS), does this activity need to be tracked in a separate specific publisher account? | Forbidden |
If publishers directly link to your website from search engines, will they receive full commission? | Forbidden |
If publishers use your brand name in their display URL, will they receive full commission? | Forbidden |
If publishers use your brand name in their paid search title and description, will they receive full commission? | Forbidden |
If publishers display their ads when misspellings of your brand name are entered as search keywords will they receive full commission? (e.g. vodofone) | Forbidden |
Where we serve

Seamless migration to Octaads Media from a Direct Affiliate Program
Don’t worry about the hassle of manually replacing links. Enjoy a seamless migration experience with the Link Switcher by OctaAds Media, that saves time, increases productivity, and maximizes your revenue potential.

Time-Saving Convenience


Safe and Reversible

*** 6% commission. Get on board now and benefit from FlixBus Brasil's green wave! ***

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